LetHub is an AI leasing platform for rental property managers and landlords that takes care of prospect communication without hiring staff. 

The company provides property managers with various tools, such as pre-qualifying renters, booking tours into personalized calendars, real-time feedback, and more. They aim to save clients time, allowing companies to focus on portfolio growth, owner retention, and increased property acquisition. The powerful tools LetHub provides are proven to help property management companies reduce their vacancy rates by more than 25%.

A Canadian pioneer

The past five months has seen LetHub grow five-fold, to a strong global team of 15. They are the first Canadian AI platform to integrate with Facebook, and were recently featured in Douglas Magazine’s 2021 10 to watch awards.

LetHub are currently focusing on making their platform available throughout North America, delivering value to property management companies, and ultimately riding that growth wave.  

Not his first rodeo

A seasoned entrepreneur, CEO Faizan Ali Khan entered the Competition as a way to connect with mentors, with the ultimate aim of speeding-up growth. 

In his words, “being a part of the NVBC 2021 Top 26 has put LetHub on the map, in terms of leading Canadian startups – a great place to be before tackling the American market.”

When asked about his team, Faizan notes that “a strong, motivated team is the most important thing. The people you hire now are the leaders of the future who will work with future talent that sets the tone of the company.” There’s only so much you can do without a good team.

About the founder

Faizan Ali Khan | Founder and CEO

  • Education:  BSc. Accounting and Finance, University of York, UK and MBA from the University of Victoria
  • Fun Fact: This is Faizan’s third startup after two successful exits.




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  • City: Victoria
  • Founding date: 2019
  • Type of tech: AI PropTech

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