In a rare move, Victoria-based  2006 NVBC Competitor Oprius Software has taken the uncommon practice of posting their conversion numbers of the sales contact management software. While secrecy and confidentiality tend to be industry standard, Oprius is sharing their numbers in hopes of  persuading others to do the same, creating a more useful, transparent set of industry statistics.

Among the conversion ratios listed were:

  • Web traffic to new free trial – 7%
  • Free trial to paying user – 48%
  • User retention – 98%

Since launching their software-as-a-service product in late January 2008, Oprius has realized surprising growth and CEO Alan Smith asserts that he is “very happy” with the 2008 numbers.

Smith goes on to mention the company has recently turned profitable – a huge milestone for any New Ventures BC past competitor. He points to strong customer support and an engaged community as key drivers of their ongoing success. With numbers and growth as strong as Oprius, it’s no wonder they’re so willing to share their conversion ratios with the world.

2008 Competition Winners