It’s official. The companies advancing to Round 2 of the 2010 New Ventures Competition has been shortlisted, and it’s a long list.  Not for long though as the Round 2 submission deadline is May 10th and the judges will cut it down to 40 companies.

For those interested in learning more about their competitors, the submissions broke down by type of business as follows:

  • IT / Media: 53.3%
  • CleanTech: 18.5%
  • Life Sciences: 10.4%
  • BioEnergy: 4.4%
  • Other: 13.3%

And while there was definitely a concentration of submissions from Metro Vancouver, the rest of the province is represented as well:

  • Metro Vancouver: 68.1%
  • Thompson/Okanagan: 14.1%
  • Vancouver Island: 14.1%
  • Kootenays : 2.2%
  • North : 1.5%

The companies advancing to Round 2 in alphabetical order are:

  1. “Greedy Bubbles” edutainment technologies
  2. A GPU Software Company
  4. Aeos Biomedical
  5. Agile.Quality
  6. Allocadia Software
  7. Antic Wireless
  8. Arbutus Technologies
  9. Awesense Wireless Inc.
  10. Bet Smart Media Inc.
  11. BIG Green Island
  12. Bravius Digital Publishing Solutions
  13. Brighter Brains, Inc
  14. Canadian Marine Parts
  15. CardioReports
  16. CarrotLines
  17. Catalyst oneMAR
  18. Chico – a new electric car by Von Mynheer
  19. Cineaste Media
  20. Cirrus:Notify
  21. Clinical Media Ltd, product: Clinicbook
  22. CO2 to C and O2
  23. Combination Cradle
  24. Cost effective and ecologically friendly technology for wastewater treatment
  25. Crosswind Power Systems Inc.
  26. Crowdsource Networks Inc.
  27. Cubee: A Cubic 3D Gaming Platform
  28. Cutting Edge Industrial Design
  29. the easiest podcast platform for business
  30. Digniti Home Hospital
  31. DX3 sportmilk athletic recovery beverage
  32. Dynamic Smoke simulations for Computer Games
  33. Earth Tubes
  34. EcoMeter by EnviroSpeak Media
  35. ELBO plugin and package for mobile phone
  36. ElectroMotion Energy Corporation
  37. Elite Living International Inc. with the BucketList Project
  38. Elvisonics Diagnostic Imaging
  39. EnergyCzar Solutions
  40. EpiProbe
  41. EvolutionaryInk Ltd.
  42. F2P Acceleration Canada
  43. FaceLessVoice Productions Inc.
  44. First Light Technologies Ltd.
  45. FITSYS (Integrative Fitness System)
  46. Fully Automated Biological Tissue Sectioning
  47. Global Innovative Farm Technologies Inc.(GIFT)
  48. Golden Age Information Architects
  49. Goldstream Publishing Inc.
  50. Good Energy Research Inc.
  51. Greater Than Technology Corporation – Virtual Tour Web Application
  52. Green Boss Energy (Canada) Ltd.
  53. GreenScene AgriTek Inc., Manure Recycling
  54. Grin Technologies Ltd.
  55. H2knOw
  56. Harman Edison Product Development Inc.
  57. Hipparcos Technologies
  58. Hybrid photovoltaic system operable under diffuse and direct sun light
  59. IgnitePlay
  60. Illuminate Solar Inc.
  61. iProgen Biotech Inc.
  62. Jostle Corporation
  63. Jubdub
  64. Life Management System
  65. LiveIn Network
  66. Locarna Systems, Inc.
  67. Lumira Technologies
  68. Mavi Innovations Inc.
  69. MedVoxel
  70. Meke Innovation Corporation
  71. Memory Leaf
  72. MetroCor Estimation Network
  73. MineSense: Clean, Green, and Sustainable solutions for the Mining Industry.
  74. Mobile Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service
  77. My Wedding Match/Weddingful
  78. MyJobDigest
  79. MyJoust
  80. MySaasyBiz
  81. New Smart Device
  82. Novaera Fuels Ltd.
  83. Novel Resonant Cavity Sensors
  84. Novel water-fed, stand-alone proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell backup system
  85. Nurugo Inc
  86. ouiART: We bring artists together
  87. Orage Energy Inc.
  88. PensionWise Consulting Inc.
  89. Powering remote communities throughout Canada with a new technology 5KW wind turbine with 5KW solar pan
  90. Purion
  91. Purpose Wireless Ltd.
  92. QATechnics
  93. Quadrogen Power Systems, Inc.
  94. QuakeAware
  95. R2Z Innovations Inc.
  96. RaceDay Chip
  97. RealSpace
  98. Reconfigurable Technology for Signal Processing
  99. Replicate – Pure Mocap
  100. Residential Energy Conservation
  101. RIPE Energy
  102. Ronin Fuel Cell
  103. SafetyPhone
  104. Scallable Technologies Inc.
  106. Second Nature Agritech
  107. SharableThings Inc.
  108. Silkstart
  109. Situware Interactive Inc.
  110., Social Networking Discovery Engine
  111. Sol en Frio – Powering the Developing World Cold Chain with Sunshine
  112. Solar Thermal Demonstration Project
  113. Sole Gear BioMaterials Inc.
  114. Spotted Innovations Inc.
  115. StressMarq Biosciences Inc.
  116. Thermal-electric power supply for control and circulation systems
  118. Tribal Education Technologies Incorporated
  119. Unknown name: fast software compiler system – please contact Angie at 604-725-5740 if this is your submission.
  120. Verbed Noun Bike System
  121. Vestige Systems Inc.
  122. VP Process Inc.
  123. Waste Reduction and Energy Production
  124. Wavesine Solutions Inc
  125. WhaleChat:3D social platform
  126. WHAXI
  127. Winsor Global Financial Inc.
  128. Worlds first 2-stroke supercharger system
  129. XacPac – The Virtual Packer
  130. Xeri roX Productions Ltd.
  132. Zeeling
  133. Zenterra Energy Inc.
  134. Zeros 2 Heroes Media

REV zero-emission all-electric commercial fleet vehicle makes its North American debut